Nov 14, 2023Liked by Emma Fanning

This post had some of the best language. I want to to start the Order of Rejectamenta and pledge to be useless, various, and abstruse!

This quote struck me:

“I want to embrace the things that make me unpalatable to capitalism. The thing that bring me joy for free.“

We are thinking along the same lines, with my lamentations on the difficulty of finding wonderful things to enjoy for free. I am dog-sitting in another town this week and am at a moment where the weather is cold and I have no disposable income at all. It is so isolating.

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The Order of Rejectamenta is honestly an incredible title for something.

It is honestly so difficult to figure out free things! Or even just pull back from spending in general: people tend to get a bit funny when you mention not wanting to buy things and feel like it's some kind of imposed restriction into misery. But I personally find it fascinating how sometimes some of our connections with people can revolve around buying things and then how that shifts when you don't anymore (don't get me wrong, I buy things hehe. I buy books and art supplies and other things with a small set budget).

But in 2019 I did a full 'no-buy' year where I didn't purchase anything in clothing, personal, makeup, books, skincare, shoes, kitchen, home, etc unless it was a true replacement for something that ran out / broke or a health reason (ie: needed a warm winter coat or something). And the reactions I got to that were really interesting of people saying how they couldn't understand why I was doing it and how they "would never be able to". So much of our society rotates around buying things instead of engaging the activity of hobbies (even hobby communities are full of hauls of things that don't get used). I dunno... it's all a strange position to be at/in.

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Damn this is so cool! And so well written! I used to do this all the time as a kid, and still do occasionally as an adult when I come across little treasures during field work. My house is full of bouquets of owl and raptor feathers. I also would like to sign up to be a Victorian era naturalist please!

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AH! THANK YOU SO MUCH! Also you recommended me, aaaah ;-; <3

I loooove that you have bouquets of feathers. There's a raptor center here on the island and I read somewhere they sell feathers by donation and I totally want to go. I have a couple barred owl / great horned owl feathers but super fluffy chest ones (Which are very cute) but a primary/secondary wing feather would also be so cool. My grandma has a giant pinboard in her entryway that has feathers pinned up on it from years of walks. I guess it runs in the family haha!

I'm going to start a weekly notes thread I think for the Victorian Naturalist Club hehe so people maybe can reply with cool photos of things they saw - like how some people I saw on notes do it for fungi!

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A pinboard! I love that idea. I would love to go to that raptor center someday too! I don’t make it over to the island very often though. A notes thread is a great idea! My contributions might be pretty lacking because I’m mostly stuck in the office all winter. But I’ll look for things on my hikes to share!

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Honestly, I totally get it. I get asked a lot if I go over to the mainland a lot and like honestly, no never LOL. There has to be a pretty significant reason. It's fairly expensive and takes a lot of time just to simply get on or off the island.

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Oh for sure, honestly the lower mainland is crazy and stressful and I avoid it as much as possible haha.

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I am staring at a glass-topped coffee table that my husband built to display his collection of feathers, shells, rattlesnake rattles, seed pods, and skate eggs. Just yesterday I unloaded Ziplock baggies full of rocks from different glaciers I visited in Alaska. I even saved the moth that died in our bathroom last week, and lay it to rest in a potted plant. Where do I sign up for the Victorian Naturalist club?

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AAAAH! YES! This sounds incredible. Rattlesnake rattles? THAT IS SO COOL. I have some skate eggs too! I love them!! Next year, I'm definitely going to learn how to press and display butterflies/moths.

I love this idea - maybe I should start a weekly chat or notes thread that's like "The Victorian Naturalist Club"?? and everyone can share something cool they found/saw/learned or share an older thing they have found that's cool????

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